Sunday 20 December 2020

Nothing quite like Christmas

Well, if you are reading to this in the UK, chances are you are under some form of restriction and if, like me, you are in the South East, lock down under a different name. It’s going to be a Christmas like no other and with so many people separated from family members this year I think we need to sit back, relax and get ready to toast something.
The ghost of Christmas past

A friend asked me during the second lock down what I thought the government would do next and without thinking I replied, “Cancel Christmas!”, they laughed at the extraordinary thought. Cancel Christmas, preposterous. I still laughed, “You wait,” was my grinning reply. 

all dressed up and nobody there


I don't celebrate Christmas for many reasons;

  • I no longer have a family, they have all died over the years, and I see Christmas as a family time

  • most of the family have died over the Christmas period which made for some interesting toasts

  • I am horrified by the level of debt families allow themselves to get into over an event which lasts only 24 hours at most

  • The amount of commercial pressure placed on people to just keep spending way beyond their credit limits would normally allow

  • and finally the gluttony of all that food, a high percentage of which ends up in landfill because its not eaten

So what do I celebrate? Well, I’m sitting here at the computer typing out the text of what I am going to say with a thoroughly scrubbed and cleansed house ready for the shortest day to arise tomorrow. When it comes, I am going outside and doing a bloody dance because if there is one thing I cannot wait for its the longer days, the warmer days and Spring!!

the garden offerings December 20th, 2020


Looking out now and wandering around my garden, I can see the emerging spikes of bulbs pushing their way through sodden clay soil. My greenhouse has plants growing on ready for planting out at the beginning of March and I am looking at the local bulk delivery company as to when I can have my half bag of mushroom compost to spread liberally everywhere.

I am so excited, if I was younger I would be doing cartwheels around the place and this celebration costs me little because the commercial market hasn’t cottoned on. Bonus!

So, I will be having a cook out in my greenhouse of vegetarian sausages, tomatoes and scrambled egg all washed down with a really nice cuppa. Then sit up there and start planning next years activities because for me the New Year starts on Monday 21st December.

So to all of you attempting to celebrate Christmas with some of your family, I wish you the warmest wishes. Stay safe and most importantly stay happy.

If you get a moment raise a glass or cup in my direction at this completely nutty woman, as high as a kite in her greenhouse, watches for the lengthening days and expectantly waits for the warmth of the sun to return.

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...