Thursday 24 September 2020

Six months on and a new routine

 Sitting in my art room listening to music and typing away on this computer, I can hear the sounds of the rain as it lashes onto the windows. 

Only a couple of days ago I was sitting in a sundress in the garden catching the last of the summer sun before autumn took its hold, and now its here.

On this day in 2018, I was still in Puerto Cruz, Tenerife.It was a Monday so I was most likely out and about the town and beach having a lovely time. 

The year before I had escaped earlier and had recently returned from the Costa del Sol after spending a really enjoyable time at the Hotel Angela. Catering very much for the English over fifties, it had an old fashioned charm about it and was well placed for all the amenities close by.

Last year, 2019, was a bumper year. Oh, what a great year.

Recently back from the second of two cruises to the north, I was loved-up by everything I'd seen. I'd fallen head over heels in love with the north and was like Tigger, bouncing up and down to go and do it again. I wasn't alone in those who were quite happy to stay on board and go round again.

I'd experienced so much and seen even more that even now, when I look at the pictures I have stuck all over the walls, I remember.

Memories, such important things and the more we have the richer we are. 

No longer do I have to rely on memories of youth to keep me happy, just a matter of six years ago when it flashes up on Facebook of Turkey, Roman ruins, four years ago of dockyards, markets, town squares and coffee houses each with the ubiquitous shot of my coffee cup. 

Memories, which act as triggers and send me back to those particular moments in time and if they are strong enough I can almost smell the aroma of where it was. 


This strange, static normal?

One day really does merge into one and memories stopped in many ways when the virus hit and we all ended up home alone. 

Six months later and I have much of the money I had invested in new memory creation returned by the travel companies, so it is being placed into the garden and turning that into something which will entertain me whilst I am here. 

I have one holiday left this year and sadly I really don't feel its a good idea to go with the increased infection numbers and that Spain itself is also suffering from what looks like a second outbreak. I am all about making memories but ones lying in a hospital fighting for my life because I walked into the virus is not one of them.

I look at my diary for this year's September month......three visits to my best friend's house, two appointments for nail therapy and paying the window cleaner his next six months of payments. 

Not inspiring when it comes to memory building, but I'm fit, healthy and ready to go. Come the vaccine, I'm all over it and the chocks come off from under my wheels and I'm off.....

......I wonder where ?

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...