Monday 8 April 2024

Changing natural patterns

Normally, this orchid flowers later. The tulips are meant to be 'lates' and the apple blossom, May.
Things are changing rapidly; I wonder how many people acknowledge this?
Flooding, torrential rains and gale force winds have graced us this year.
Fields which should be green with autumn sown crops are partly under water and where they did get planted, many have swathes of empty soil where the crops have rotted.
My garden is looking splendid. A riot of colour in fact. Yes, the bumble bees are out as are some of the honey bees are too. Surprisingly there's also a wasp or two. As yet no hornets but the green fly have been feasting for some time now.
Yesterday I saw an intrepid butterfly attempting to remain aloft even in the gale force gusts we were experiencing. 
I hoped it found food. 
I hoped it found shelter.
I look around at people as the scurry from place to place. Are they seeing the changes or just enduring the inconvenience? Are they aware worse is to come as change continues in our atmosphere? 
Do they get the point that the hotter it gets feels good but brings with it monsoon rains, gale force winds and the probability of malaria, denji and other mosquito borne diseases as they get blown over from the continent?
I look at my garden and enjoy today. I cannot control tomorrow, I can only be aware of it. I thank the natural world for giving me one more year of pleasant surroundings. I thank the natural world for bird song, warm days and cool nights.

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...