Sunday 26 March 2023

Clocks, pigeons and Spring flowers

I stretched with that luxury of a cat; warm, rested and possibly full of vigour. The clocks have "sprung" forward and we are, at last, in British summer time 🥳
It's raining!
Can't have everything I suppose but lighter mornings and longer evenings are approaching and I must admit, it can't come soon enough. That warmth in the sun is just about breaking through when it gets a chance and the possibilities of sitting outside with a coffee, eyes closed, drinking in the sun are all but a rain cloud covering away.
The birds have been building nests round here. 
I have a pair of magpies collecting moss for linings whilst a pair of wood pigeons waddle around the garden looking for that just right twig for their scrape.
As an aside, as I was walking back to the car yesterday I saw a fledgling magpie sitting in a front garden being attended by one of its parents. Demanding is the word I would use here.
Anyway, back to the wood pigeons.
I have a naturalised garden and having created habitats of soil, the plants have come in on the wind or beak and found homes for themselves.
Take in point an ever expanding clump of celandines. I love this plant for many reasons but two of them are; firstly I lived in a beautiful house on Celandine Drive for many years and secondly, they remind me of happy rides in the woodlands with my horse at this time of year. 
A single celandine conjours up hundreds of memories, so when I discovered I had attracted a plant into the garden I was thrilled.
It was covered in blossom this year and shone out of the created glade like a canary beacon of summer hope.
Then the wood pigeons arrived.
I never realised just how excited they got over eating flower heads. 
They ate all 😳 of them, buds included.
So instead of the canary yellow beacon of hope I have green stalks pointing up to the grey, rain laden sky 🤷‍♀️ no hope. 

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...