Thursday 21 October 2021

Housebound - something not for the faint hearted

 I'm a keen gardener. This is the busiest time of the year save Spring when its sowing seeds and preparing ground ready for planting out.

But, I'm stuck in the house looking out the open door. I can see chard growing well but am unable to harvest any to eat, my flat leafed parsley is going to waste and the spring onions sit in their containers, unused.

I've not been able to plant out any winter crops for the table so will have to buy them in for yet another year. Sad that.

I'm part way through the refurbishment of the front garden and really want to get hands on out there so I know what has to be done next; thank heavens for a really good guy called Jason who spends a day here about once a month and has been involved in this project from the outset, without him I would be more than stuck.

I can see why people resort to daytime TV  (not my thing what so ever) and idle their time away, but I will agree, being totally housebound and on your own is very limiting. My heart goes out to those who find themselves in this situation, not just temporarily but permanently, having enjoyed family, friends, work, play and all the other things that makes for a rich and colourful life. Left with nothing but memories, they sit in their houses and watch the remains of their life on earth slip by.


I am glad I am coming out the other end of this experience but it has been a salutary one.

Whilst sitting here in my mind I have left the house  and walked along the front to the beach in Puerto Cruz, I have wandered Deck 7 and taken in the views of the sea and sky as we sail on to our next destination. I have made Christmas cards for people I care about and in my mind lay on the beach in Fuengirola, enjoying the hot sand and the intense heat. Putting on flip flops to stop my feet burning from the heat of the sand and going into the sea to cool off. Of walking up the hills to the Centro de Comerciales for a coffee and an ice cream and sitting outside to look over the bay beneath.

I am lucky I am already building memories and I can lose myself in them. I have my Spanish studies to keep me on my toes and the crafting to keep my creative side entertained in a profitable way, so the mind is catered for,

but the body?

Yes, that's the hard part. Stuck inside the house still at the stage of non-weight bearing, my h-EDS causing all sorts of problems with other joints cracking under the strain, this is getting to be, well, just that really.

Soon. Soon I'll be strong enough to be weight bearing enough to venture outside albeit into the garden around the house.

Soon, I'll be able to think of walking over to the shops and getting a hair cut, of buying some things I can put in a ruck sac and with it on my back bring it home. 


Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...