Sunday 29 December 2019

A winter sun

Sometimes I just have to nip out to the local shops, but, when I can, I will take a circumnavigatory route via a woodland next to the Willow Lee.
Although bitterly cold, the sun was shining and the number of birds singing was a true delight.
I was glad to see the water levels in the lee had subsided and weirs had returned. Fallen logs and branches slowed the passage of the water and small pools were forming. Areas of wooded scrub were gently flooded and become more like a water meadow.
What really pleased me was a series of signs which had gone up recently......Big brother is fly tipping 
Delighted, I continued on my walk. I have never understood why a few selfish individuals should get away with ruining the pleasures for the majority.  
This walk is heavily used, by dog walkers, children to a from school, people cutting through from the Shipbourne Road to the Hadlow Road and people like me, just out to enjoy.
It's a true little oasis and connects playing fields to swings and climbing frames. Wonderful. 
I carried on walking, listening to robins, blackbirds and pigeons making their presence heard as well as the chatter of squirrels telling all about intruders.
Before I'd realised it I found myself on the other side of the walk and slowly meandered my way back via the roads to the shop.
On the away I saw my first tree in bloom; a wonderful respite for bumble bees.
I am blessed where I live and look forward to the lengthening days to be able to enjoy it once more.

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...