Friday 18 August 2023

I wonder if anyone notices?

Taking advantage of the shower I decided to wander off into the small wooded area not far from me. 
It was such a relief to have a little dampness, although the promised thunderstorms had past us by.
I am one of those people who collect trash dumped/disguarded on the path. I was collecting the usual plastic sweet wrappers, Marijuana bags and sherbert straws when I chanced across the head of a doll. 
Seemed whole, no dog teeth marks, just body and hairless.
I grinned. Fairy in the trees.
Looking round I saw a nook. 
I pushed it in.
Wonder when someone will notice, if they ever do?

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...