
Thursday 31 August 2023

I was going to do the ironing....

When the cat decides it's her clean washing pile and me being the softie I am, I haven't the heart to shift her.
Oh well, I'm not doing the ironing any time soon. Fortunate I don't need any of it just yet. 

Wednesday 30 August 2023

Annoying and wasteful

Seems like an odd thing to comment on but it does annoy me, and that's the last part of a deodorant stick you just can't use! You know the bit, the piece inside the mechanism only retrieval with a spoon (messy).
It's like that last piece of the lip salve or the final bit of Pritt stick, we've paid for all of it and yet we can't get at that final piece.
Right, rant over now feel better now.

Friday 18 August 2023

I wonder if anyone notices?

Taking advantage of the shower I decided to wander off into the small wooded area not far from me. 
It was such a relief to have a little dampness, although the promised thunderstorms had past us by.
I am one of those people who collect trash dumped/disguarded on the path. I was collecting the usual plastic sweet wrappers, Marijuana bags and sherbert straws when I chanced across the head of a doll. 
Seemed whole, no dog teeth marks, just body and hairless.
I grinned. Fairy in the trees.
Looking round I saw a nook. 
I pushed it in.
Wonder when someone will notice, if they ever do?

At last it rains

The ground is so dry it amazes me any
thing survives. I dug in to the
soil surface and although it felt like I was chipping away concrete, the ground was completely devoid of water. If I'd used the hygrometer I would have got nowhere, it just wouldn't have registered. 
So today, I'm smiling. 
The water maybe falling from the sky but it's gentle and the chances of it soaking in is far greater than it would be if it had come in a deluge. We have been forecast heavy rain and potentially thunderstorms, but a gentle soaking like this will be a good start.
The shed roof is a good collection point so I've the various pots ready.
I tend to avoid water butts, not sure why but I do like to see the water I've collected and monitor whether it's turning anaerobic or not, which covered water often does. 
I'll cope with the midge larva rather than some of the proto zoids that can get in.

Thursday 17 August 2023

Do I really enjoy August?

August is an odd month. 
Its sunny, hot and invariably dry. Many places shrivel up through lack of rainfall, some having wild fires whilst others get more water dumped upon them in 24 hours than they know what to do with.
Me? This month was one in which I could rest my weary brain. 
Teaching a full timetable and running departments plus all the training of personnel took its toll on me. Focusing on the education and well being of the children, the expectations of the parents as well as superiors and government edicts which came thick and fast like confetti, it felt like a continuous game of catch up where I was doomed to fail.
Couple that with inspections, report writing for teachers, students, parents, government officials and social services, my life sunk into a bottomless pit of paperwork, lessons, marking, preparation and puberty.
August, then was a breath of freedom. A time when I could rise out of the pit and see the adult world. I'm not sure if I enjoyed it so much as felt relieved I had stopped the headache for a few weeks.
Within no time it was the last week of August and the new term loomed. The sickness began, the headaches returned and I was back on site sorting, ordering, organising, preparing, arranging, timetabling, distributing, meeting...... I sank back down the hole to not come back up again until that precious last week of July when I saw glimpses of the sky and felt the adult world once more.