
Sunday 26 December 2021

Does the NHS booster programme talk to itself?

Every adult needs a COVID-19 booster vaccine to protect against Omicron.
Get your COVID-19 vaccine or booster. See NHS website for details

Yet another text comes bouncing into my inbox; this is the fourth I've had or is it the fifth now, I'm not sure?
I could understand the first one, I'd become eligible and dutifully looked for a walk-in. 
Closest was Bromley and I had no intention of hobbling my way up there!
Eventually I found a site vaguely close to home where I could book a slot and in it went.
Two days later another reminder came through - have I booked my booster?
Then another the following week.
Then another the week of the jab itself; I'd already been waiting just over two weeks, you'd have thought this expensive upgrading the NHS had spent millions on could talk to it's own records!? 
But no.
So now its sixteen days on. The booster is done, dusted and on my NHS app (I checked) and yet they're still reminding me to get the jab.
I realise they've just recieved a huge financial bonus but wasting it on valuable computation time like this reflects serious holes in their system and a genuinely worrying reflection on their programming staff.

Friday 24 December 2021

Slowly increasing the walk

It was a short one, by my past standards,  but today 2.4 km was as far as my foot was prepared to go. The pain accelerated to the point where I wanted to faint but it had been worth it just to get out.
I am very lucky because within half a km there's a walk along the river which takes you through some old woods around the back of the secondary school and onto Higham Lane further down.
It was so lovely to get out amongst the fallen leaves and listen to the birds singing their hearts out.
I sat for a few minutes as my ankle throbbed and listened to the exchange of song between two robins, watched a mistle thrush rooting around for something tasty and listened to the tapping of a woodpecker in the trees not far from where I sat. 
To be honest it was the first mistle thrust I'd seen all year and the first tapping too.
The squirrels were out in force looking fat and ready for winter, if it ever comes.
Wandering back along Streamside I stood in amazement at the azaleas which were in flower in some gardens and the magnolia buds which seemed to be opening rather early.
Nature is confused that's for certain but entertaining all the same.
I am looking forward to Spring now, I can see signs of it and as the day length increases we will start to see more inklings of a new growing season to come. 

Thursday 23 December 2021

Excitement; a letter arrives

 Its not often I get excited by the mail which drops through the letter box. Most of the time its just some firm or other attempting to interest me in their wares, offering money off for first time purchase, or others telling me of the impending sale where they will be slashing their prices by at least 20%.

Then there's the charities attempting to sell their good deeds with harrowing examples of work they do. All most laudable but not as confetti which falls regularly onto the mat, and to be honest, is this a good way to spend the donated money?

Today was slightly different. Yes, the standard unsolicited mail dropped through and went straight into the paper bin without a second glance. 

Then there was the monthly account statement from my mobile company showing me exactly how I had spent the month; as usual, long calls and much internet use, no surprise there then.

And then.....

I looked at the remainder of bits of paper in my hand and spyed  a Saga Cruise envelope. Hopefully, with fingers crossed I opened it (still not convinced this cruise would go ahead in February).  It welcomed me to the pre-cruise information and what was expected before I boarded the ship.


 I really did bounce inside, made a cup of tea and sat down to delight over the plans. The more I read the more I felt as if I was sitting on that ship. The more I was determined to get this ankle functioning even better than it is right now.

πŸ€” now what clothes are going to be most suitable for the Arctic.......

Sunday 12 December 2021

A length of wood and two screws

front cover of a late 50s magazine. If it rained he wouldn't  have to water the garden. If it rained she'd have washing drying all over the house.

The memories that flooded back as I screwed the two screws into the end of my length of wood....
I remembered that sexist time when families chores were segregated and a woman's greatest worry apart from keeping his collars clean, was getting the washing dry.
Washing day was traditionally Monday around my area. 
Sunday was a rest day, well for everyone except mum who cooked the Sunday roast, prepared the Sunday tea and invariably washed up both, so Sunday was busy and it was considered shameful to have washing on the line on that day.
So Monday it was. 
The man of the house was at work and the child(ren) were at school, so she had a clear six hours to change the sheets, get them washed and out on the line, wash the underwear and the shirts for work and school uniform for the child(ren) plus other ancillary items she had about.
If she was lucky she had a twin tub (oh, how I loved the convenience of that, I no longer had to wash sheets in the bath!) which not only washed the clothes but had a separate spinner. This was great because lifting heavy clothes full of water out of the washing machine and then get them through the mangle was tough.
mine was white but otherwise identical 

My mangle was old when I got it, and lived outside the kitchen door. I would lift out the washing from the top-loading machine, wring it out by hand and then carry it outside to get more water out. The thing you have to remember was the machine washed it, it didn't rinse, this is where a large bath of water came in handy.
Six hours seems like a long time but to be honest with just two of us it would take me at least the morning and half the afternoon.
a stick with a v- shape like this was a valuable find.

The best bit was when I got it on the line; the process of washing had been concluded and I could sit down. 
A mother of two say, would have tea to prepare for the children when they got back from school, which was usually around 4pm, then make sure they did their homework and get the meal ready for her husband on his return which was usually around 6pm. She still had the bathing of the children and getting them to bed as well as clearing up after hubby's dinner, making a pit of tea and if she was lucky, sit down.
Married women weren't expected to work; fortunate really,  running the house was indeed a full time process. 
My mind then drifted to Wales and the alleyways where my great aunt lived. Wash days there where busy affairs and she would send us all off so, 
"I can get on. Go on all if you, down to the beach, I'll expect you back by 3pm and here's some jam sandwiches to keep you going."
And that was it, we'd be packed off down the hill to the beach about two and a half miles away. 
high level washing lines held up on pulleys. It kept the washing in the wind and away from the dirt.

When we got back the pulleys were up and full. You could see if anyone had had a baby by the nappies, or whether the woman down the road had a lodger 😁. Sometimes scandal would be whispered over the garden walls that Mrs. So-and-so had a fancy man, 
"Well, fancy that and her Derek not cold in his grave!"
Me? I have a front loader like most people. I put the washing in, dial my programme, give it soap powder and conditioner and then press the start button. Within 40 minutes the washing is done and on the line, none of this three hour lark these days.
And the two screws? If screwed in about a centimetre apart and sticking up about the same, they hold the washing line between them. Easy and quick washing line prop. 😏

Saturday 11 December 2021

Done and Dusted

Well, after a good sleep the only side effects seem to be a painful arm; well two painful arms but the covid one is much more tender.

From what I'd been told by friends around this area, the booster seemed to be Pfizer and I must admit I was a bit concerned at the side effects most of them had endured.
I sent it up and asked for Moderna and low and behold, I got it.
So, two weeks and I'm as safe as I'm going to be. 
As usual I will accept the new 'normal' that we live in, wear a mask where appropriate, wash my hands and enjoy life ...... well, as soon as this ankle recovers that is.

Friday 10 December 2021

'flu and covid-booster

It's taken forever to get here but the day has arrived and I look forward to 15:30 with both trepidation and relief.
Trepidation because I know I'm bound to feel rough afterwards and will probably end up sleeping for a goodly while (do hope so, having had covid I don't want any of those symptoms ever again) and relief because once done and out the other side (incubation period) I will have less chance of getting any of the strains cantering through the population. 
London is the worst it seems and with one of the highest unvaccinated populace I'm not surprised.
A lady I know works in intense care and she's exhausted by the people who failed to get vaccinated because the fell for the scammers and now fill her precious beds preventing those with serious heart conditions et al to be entertained and potentially saved.
Who dies? Is it that much of a lottery?
I'm afraid I have little sympathy for the vaccine refusers who suddenly discover this isn't like the flu and a couple of days in bed doesn't send it packing.
When then,  should they take priority over others who probably did vaccinate and now need support because of other health conditions? 
Hey, just my opinion, I know some would object and possibly wish me dead for uttering such things, but believe it or not it's a free(ish) country and we should be able to say what we think without worrying we will incur death threats.
I feel for the women in public life who run the gambit of rape threats, death threats and threats against their children.
So, its 12:45, not long to go. As usual I feel sick with worry. Oh how I dislike the waiting game to get it over and done with.

Sunday 5 December 2021

Playtime in the craft room

"Playtime in the playpen" and learning my own style.

One type of artwork I really enjoy is pen work, not because I'm good at it but because I enjoy learning new techniques and experimenting with ideas.
Yesterday and today have been fun and I've created three sketches taken from images I've used as references. 
Love plants and this one gave me great pleasure.

This one was a challenge. I'd never really observed a flame before so it became quite a learning curve. I found I was guilty of assumptions and was really surprised at how much I'd noticed but failed to register, hey ho.
What's next?
Not sure.
I'll look through some ideas and see what grabs my attention but in the meantime I'm learning and having fun, which is all that matters on a chilly and wet day.

It's almost there....πŸŽ‚

Happy birthday to me, πŸŽ‰
Happy birthday to me, 🎊
Happy birthday,🌞 happy birthday, πŸ‘
Happy birthday to meπŸ₯‘

Yes, I'm getting carried away, but always do when it's almost my birthday.
I'm more often than not, abroad in some hotel or other enjoying feeling like a queen for the day.

One year I came back into my room to find this very sweet but beautiful strawberry flan made with their gorgeous custard and topped with fresh cream. Alongside was a glass and a bottle of Prosecco. 
Another year I was given a special table with a birthday setting (tablecloth and all) and was treated to waiter service all night. Awesome.
This year I was meant to be in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife but covid put paid to that, coupled with a small issue with a healing but painful ankle.
Oh well, I bought myself something instead....
If there is something I adore its Japanese food and one of the easiest to cook and enjoy is ramen. So, this year I hunted out the necessary bits and pieces and thanks to prompt Amazon delivery, it arrived a day early. 😊 🀸‍♀️πŸ™†‍♀️
Not that I'm happy you understand,  it's just the child in me is bouncing even if I can't do it physically..... I will ... soon, but until then, ooh,  am I going to have fun in the kitchen.
So, my birthday will be celebrated with my bestie. 
Let's see where that leads, but it'll be determined by the weather I think, flip flops and rain never did work well together! πŸ˜‚