Monday 22 November 2021

What does Christmas mean to you?

 For many people, this will be the first Christmas when they have been able to do what they used to do after the restrictions of covid have been lifted and it looks like we in the UK will get a 'normal' festive period.


But what does it mean to you?

We have all had plenty of time to think about what it has been like NOT to have a Christmas and what we miss out on, but what is it really? What does it convey to you?

For me it is a time which usually starts around now and finishes Christmas Eve because I love the hustle and bustle of all the people around chasing the last present, hunting for the last piece of pink tinsel because it goes with the tree.

I love the run up, when some people are already starting to prepare and like that lady back in September thinking about the various things she will buy and what to put in them. It was clear from the way she was holding up the various Christmas bags that she had already decided what she was getting the child and was sizing up which one would be the best fit. I enjoy watching people like that and doff my cap to thinking ahead.

Then there are the shops and the preparations which they go through; the window display, the items placed strategically by the till ready to be snapped up at the last minute. I like watching the lights go onto the trees which miraculously appear in shopping areas and the lights coming on ever earlier as we approach the shortest day. The cinnamon coffee which is rolled out and the mince pies, ooh yes, the mince pies, warm with a dollop of fresh cream, nothing nicer in my book.

I love going to the Southbank and exploring the outdoor craft market and wandering around the stalls selling ostrich burgers, bratwurst sausages in buns, German beer and freshly mulled wine.

I might select some delicacy or other and standing in the cold, enjoy the excitement which pulsates around, then amble into the Southbank itself and enjoy some jazz or whatever is playing in the open auditorium, after which I would go upstairs to their latest art exhibition/installation.

Everyone is happy and it shows in the conversations around. Coffee and a sit down for a while in the warm before I walk across the bridge to Charing Cross and feast my eyes on the lights in Regent Street.

Time for something to eat so head into Itsu for something. If its really cold I'll have hot noodles with something, but if not too bad one of their cold platters of rice, seaweed salad, maybe salmon and a selection of Japanese vegetables, soy sauce and of course some wasabi.

For me that's Christmas.

By the time Christmas Eve arrives it all seems to be over and people vanish into their worlds and start their get-togethers, parties and social events.

Its about that time I go home and settle in front of the TV with something I picked up at Borough Market.

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...