Wednesday 25 December 2019

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a Happy Christmas

So, was today as wonderful as you'd hoped it would be? The meal go well? All presents gratefully received? Alcohol ok? Tree look good? Nibbles, everything else great?
Yes? I'm glad, it's always wonderful when everything goes right.
Mine was somewhat unconventional is so much as I woke early, stretched, made some tea, listened to the radio then returned to sleep. Such decadence, it was delicious. 
My day was not permiated with people arriving, meals to cook, nor was there any alcohol or nibbly bits. I haven't a tree festooned with baubles and apart from café music courtesy of BGMC, my house was silent. No guests, just me, my music, books and my garden.
Mine sounds lonely but far from it. I spent a very happy and contented few hours in my greenhouse checking up on pelagoniums and night scented stock, potting up my containers for outside the kitchen window and then sitting in the sun with a good book and some tea. 
The smile of inner peace and tranquility was only interrupted by laughter caused by the book I'm reading. Trashy but really funny.
The table outside my kitchen window groans with flowers, small shrubs and winter pansies and I couldn't be happier.
So, whatever you are doing today or are still doing, can I extend peace, pleasure and fun to you. 
May memories be made and all those memories be good ones.

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...