Tuesday 19 December 2023

Never dreamt I'd still be here

Blimey, me 70 years old, 😳 still finding it an interestingly difficult number to digest...
I do remember a time back when I was still about 16 years old wondering about the turn of the century.
I had recently come out of a lecture on CFCs, ozone holes and pesticide/herbicide overload in soils.
I was sitting in the Library in Luton Tech contemplating how the world would look at the turn of the century.
I started working dates out; 2003(age:50), 2013(age:60), 2023(age:70)
I started thinking about what state the world would be in and made mental prophesies;
+ petrochemicals would need to be reduced in use
+ pesticides and herbicides would need to be reduced or terminated. 
+ plastic usage needed reduction especially in the home. Too much wrappings ended up being put in the bin.
+ soil could be dead by then having had too much chemical treatment 
+ a very polluted water course....water wars?
+ general public would have to stop using petrol/diesel cars.

Frightening just how close to the actual state of world health I was back then which was around 1969!

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...