Thursday 30 March 2023

Almost ready for Spring

Well the blossom is blooming, the bumbles are buzzing and the green fly are proliferating 😡 ..... already.
Oh well, I do run a natural garden so I do hope the ladybirds and the bluetits get going because there are quite a few building.
What has been nice to see is just how many bulbs have naturally multiplied. If the aliums all flower it will be a spectacular show.
So,  the last long  border is weeded, all I have is the left hand side border to go and then plant the few potted plants which as yet haven't found their way into the ground.
The birds are very busy in and around my garden. So far I've seen red kites and common buzzards flying over head along with a female sparrow hawk who often sits on the fence, magpies, wood pigeons, blue tits, great tits, robin, dunnocks, sparrows, blackbirds and a couple of wag tails.
Not bad for a garden that doesn't feed them with bird feeders.

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...