Friday 24 December 2021

Slowly increasing the walk

It was a short one, by my past standards,  but today 2.4 km was as far as my foot was prepared to go. The pain accelerated to the point where I wanted to faint but it had been worth it just to get out.
I am very lucky because within half a km there's a walk along the river which takes you through some old woods around the back of the secondary school and onto Higham Lane further down.
It was so lovely to get out amongst the fallen leaves and listen to the birds singing their hearts out.
I sat for a few minutes as my ankle throbbed and listened to the exchange of song between two robins, watched a mistle thrush rooting around for something tasty and listened to the tapping of a woodpecker in the trees not far from where I sat. 
To be honest it was the first mistle thrust I'd seen all year and the first tapping too.
The squirrels were out in force looking fat and ready for winter, if it ever comes.
Wandering back along Streamside I stood in amazement at the azaleas which were in flower in some gardens and the magnolia buds which seemed to be opening rather early.
Nature is confused that's for certain but entertaining all the same.
I am looking forward to Spring now, I can see signs of it and as the day length increases we will start to see more inklings of a new growing season to come. 

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...