Sunday 26 December 2021

Does the NHS booster programme talk to itself?

Every adult needs a COVID-19 booster vaccine to protect against Omicron.
Get your COVID-19 vaccine or booster. See NHS website for details

Yet another text comes bouncing into my inbox; this is the fourth I've had or is it the fifth now, I'm not sure?
I could understand the first one, I'd become eligible and dutifully looked for a walk-in. 
Closest was Bromley and I had no intention of hobbling my way up there!
Eventually I found a site vaguely close to home where I could book a slot and in it went.
Two days later another reminder came through - have I booked my booster?
Then another the following week.
Then another the week of the jab itself; I'd already been waiting just over two weeks, you'd have thought this expensive upgrading the NHS had spent millions on could talk to it's own records!? 
But no.
So now its sixteen days on. The booster is done, dusted and on my NHS app (I checked) and yet they're still reminding me to get the jab.
I realise they've just recieved a huge financial bonus but wasting it on valuable computation time like this reflects serious holes in their system and a genuinely worrying reflection on their programming staff.

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...