Wednesday 21 July 2021

One job leads to.....

Its hot already and three nights of tropical heat with no aircon has left me somewhat ratty.
Waking really early I decided the best use of the day would be to get some washing done and out on the line so it could dry before the heat became too much and started bleaching them out. That meant I had to go into the utility room.......
The washing went in and I dropped the liquid soap, which went everywhere.  Crouching down, I started to mop it up only to notice something in the cupboard had been leaking for a while, leaving a sticky mess. 
Removing everything from both shelves under the sink, I proceeded to clear up. Wash the shelves, sponge off the bottles and boxes, which, by this time,  everything was everywhere. 
Oh well, the washing in, cupboard empty, I decided this was the best time to read the gas meter. 
I found a torch and switched it on. It has three settings, I looked into the light to determine which it was. Blinded by the light I stumbled about, tripped over the bowl of dirty water on the floor and spread it everywhere.
Turning off the torch and abandoning that idea, I reached for the cloth and having stood in the bowl again, blindly mopped up the mess.
I had a clean dress on. It was now soaked with dirty, soapy water from inside the cupboard and the hem had absorbed more from the lake which was pooling around me. I had no shoes on, I was slipping on the soapy water, finding it even more difficult to cope. Space limited in this small room and hampered by everything everywhere I felt my emotional temperature rising.
I stood still and attempted to regain my eyesight. I could see the layout of the LED lights imprinted on my retina.
Note to self; check the LED display because it looks as if one has failed and two, don't switch it on into your face you stupid woman!
Eyesight slowly coming back I cleared up the worst of the mess and realised the overflow pipe from the sink was black with internal residue....that explained the smell.
Drying my hands for the umpteenth time I grabbed the torch, put it back on constant beam (its certainly powerful and yes, would blind an intruder) and went in search of a piece of paper and pen which, of course were split between the kitchen and the living room. 
Returning I realised I had walked soapy water throughout the downstairs and I was now gently slipping and sliding about. 
Mental note; clean the floors.
So back to the utility room and crouching down, I attempted to read the meter. Still too high I had to sit on the soggy floor. Now, not only the front of the dress was wet but so too was my very soggy bottom.
Ignoring the slippery feeling underneath me, I read the meter. Success! My original intention was complete but chaos still reigned and I resembled the classic bedraggled rat.
Washing now finished which told me 110 minutes had passed since I began this chaos.
I hung it out.
Second tick on the list of jobs to do but another three had been added.
Ok, the cupboard was dry enough to put things back but the overflow pipe really needed cleaning out. So, removing it I removed the black, smelly stuff, used my bottle brushes to get that sorted, cleaned the connections and put it back. 
Tested, no leaks, wonderful. 
Smelt the sink itself, phew, rodded that out too.
Smelt the sink again, phew, now put the washing machine cleaner in and set that off for an hour and a half.
Still very slippery everywhere so washed the floor twice to get rid of the soap. Whilst I was at it, cleaned the loo, might as well.
Backing out of the room as I cleaned realised I'd left the bowl with some very smelly water by the sink.
Went back in, rinsed the cloth, collected the bowl, washed the floor again as I backed out with the bowl.
Managed to drip water all through house to the kitchen sink, so went back and washed the floor as I backed back into the kitchen. 
Left the meter reading, pen and torch in utility room. 
Lifting my eyes to the sky I let out a frustrated note of exasperation. Swilled out the cloth once more, went back into the utility room, collected the last of the odds and ends and, backing out, cleaned the floor once again, wiping down the damp footprints I was now leaving all the way along the hallway, livingroom and kitchen.
I looked at my watch, it was 07:20, it had been a frustrating start to the day and I still hadn't had my cuppa!
I sent the meter reading off, put the kettle on and collapsed outside.
It was then I realised the floor in the kitchen was covered in cat hairs......I give up.

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...