Thursday 19 March 2020

Its a virus not a food shortage

I had the misfortune of visiting our local supermarket this morning. It was just gone 11 am and I decided to stay local so as to stay away from the people stripping the shelves of the bigger places in Tonbridge.
That was a silly presumption because their selfish panic had lead them from one area to another. The car parks were groaning under the weight of all these super sized SUV vehicles and people with intense frustration and mounting anger, thronged into our very small, very local shops stripping them bare.
It was a sorry sight. Shelves stripped like a plant is after a locust swarm; once stripped they would take flight in their SUVs and settle on another crop to be plundered.

But then, as one woman said to me in the queue to pay,
 "these people grew up in the age when they got what they wanted instantly and any delay was not tolerated." 
Yes, I have to agree, it was something I remember seeing in schools as these adults grew up from indulged princes and princesses into demanding adults. They knew no difference and the prospect of having their liberty and possibly their food taken away further than it was, is proving too much for them.
The sales of no- perisably goods is increasing by 14% and new freezer cabinets are flying out the doors to be filled to overflowing with yet more hoarded food.....and yet, unlike the locusts, once they move off, the foods are replenished.

When will they realise, we are in the grips of a virus not a food crisis. 

God help us if we did have a food crisis, there'd be violence on the streets and the elderly would be allowed to starve unless someone stood up for them.
It is a sad indictment of our society. We have all this and yet there are people in Johannesberg who don't even have access to running water, they cannot socially distance themselves form one another because they live in overcrowded conditions, they share toilets and have no washing facilities, and we are complaining because we can't get the brand of toilet paper we want?
Now that is self-centred thinking and if there is one aspect of a person I will never tolerate is, 'I'm alright Jack, don't give a toss about you'.
That's not society, not the society I want to live in!

Laundry's little helper

I wonder if many know what this is?  I had one.  It was made by Hotpoint and lasted for well over 10 years. I used it frequently...