
Friday 27 March 2020

A quiet read of the papers

Two loads of washing out and blowing in the wind and soon, I knew, I would be able to get all the ironing done and put away.
The painting of blue bells still waits for me to develop the next layers of water colour and I sit down with a really nice cup of coffee and my Upday News feed.
I'm not sure if that was a mistake or not, but one article after another just made my blood boil. 
I love certain news papers; Times, Guardian, Independent and Financial Times first followed by Science Alert, The Daily Mash, Techradar, iNews and various other not so familiar news feeds from around the world.
So today, what what I given?
  • Business Insider: Trump has made it clear he wants to reopen the economy to boost his reelection chances, even if more Americans die.
  • Wales Online: Workers inside JD Sports warehouse where people are still working (no regard for distancing at all)
  • CNBC: Italy's death toll now 8 000
  • Inverse: Climate scientists asking awkward questions about the covid-19 virus
  • CNET: Coronavirus texting scams
  • VICE: 3 GOP senators stalling the covid-19 bailout because they think the unemployment benefits are too generous
  • Independent: Russia asking its 145 million citizens to stay indoors
  • Medical Daily: Arkansas churchgoers contract covid-19 as virus spreads to more US states
I could go on but my brain reached semi-overload at this point when two more articles caught my eye, hence the rapid deployment to sitting in front of my computer with a cold cup of coffee and an agitated mind.
I realise America is a very different place from here and has very different social and government rules, but I was more than concerned when I realised something highlighted in an article by Robert Fisk, a world renowned Middle East correspondent.
He is based in Beirut and has lived in the Arab world for more than 40 years. He has covered all the wars and invasions, revolutions and occupations we have witnessed over that period and he is held in the highest esteem when it comes to his journalism.
The headline read,

This is what Trump is doing in the Middle East while you're distracted by coronavirus 

Are you aware he is having military exercise,
"Operation Native Fury"
with the UAE in a special, mock, war games theatre built by the UAE which has high rise blocks, mosques, apartment complexes, narrow streets and an oil refinery, the layout of which looking suspiciously like two cities, Shirez and Isfahan. 
Are you aware the Brigadier General, Thomas Savage does not appear concerned the Iranians will see this as provocative?  
That the troups are directly out of two areas, quote,

4,000 US troops had been sent into the Emirates from Diego Garcia and Kuwait, where they might have recently arrived from the three newly abandoned American bases in Iraq
which were closed in Iran?

That very publicly, Mike Pompeo has cut $1 billion of aid to Afghanistan even though there is a covid-19 issue there?
That Trump is overtly blackmailing through withdrawn aid to get his way is Beirut. He is upset both elected presidents, Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdulla, claim to be the official President. This is not what Trump and Pompeo wanted because it upsets the deal America (Trump) struck with the Taliban to get prisoners swapped and peace restored?  That neither of the elected presidents agree with the deal?

A quotation from the article is as follows;

But US sanctions are clearly not going to be “revisited” in relation to Iran, which claims – not without some justice – that the ban on imports is hindering its own struggle against Covid-19.
The UN has called for such sanctions to be “urgently re-evaluated”, pointing out that human-rights reports have already described the malign effect of sanctions on Iran's access to respirators and protective clothes for healthcare workers. The Iranians, with the declared number of cases above 27,000 and more than 2,000 confirmed deaths, may have covered up many more victims – and this, remember, is a regime that couldn’t tell the difference between a Ukrainian airliner and an American cruise missile (and lied about it for two days). They clearly need help. American sanctions, however, matter more than the coronavirus in the Middle East.

Yes, we may have our eyes firmly on our own survival here in the UK, but there are many things still going on in the world; the Canadian pipeline, starvation in Yemen, the refugee camps to the south of Turkey, a perfect storm waiting to erupt with covid-19, earthquakes and recovery after the worst locust invasion if 40 yeas....the list goes on and whilst we look inward, the world and some dictatorial bully boys are still destroying that very normality we will need to re-establish once we are through the worst of this crisis.

And that was the first article!!